Kalm Kidzz is back. A wonderful after school programme to assist children with positive thinking, mindfulness and creative activities. These sessions are designed to boost serotonin in the brain, bring focus to the weeks achievements and create a can do attitude.
Sessions assist with anxiety, low confidence, sleepless nights and more… A recent comment from a mum ” these sessions benefit my sons mental health and help him to relax after a busy week at school”. Regular sessions enable the brain to focus on positivity and assist with relaxation. Kalm KIdzz sessions are based on a solution focused approach. Spending time with children to relax their mind and boost serotonin enables them to begin to create more positive neural pathways. This assists them in using the intellectual brain regularly resulting in accessing knowledge, relevant information and staying focused on the task in hand.
Teaching children this concept from an early age can help them with problem solving and finding the positive answer to situations. Promotes a positive relationship with emotions and acknowledging that all feelings and emotions are valid. Keeping stress levels low and creating a self care mind set to set them up for their future. For further information and booking please contact Nicole on 07540873928 or send a message via Facebook. www.facebook.com/kalmkidzz www.facebook.com/hummingbirdhypnotherapy.