Things are beginning to change. As the UK begins its reopening plans to get our economy back on its feet, there appears to be far more that we need to begin to think about.
Remember March 2020 seems an age away, those moments of fear we all had about the coming months and being locked in our homes. The change that happened during this time has been immense. Businesses closed or furloughed staff, schools closed, daily shopping becoming a weekly occurrence and definitely not a family outing. Home schooling and juggling working from home. At the beginning it was so much to manage and adjust but we all did both. Managed and adjusted to our new way of life.
June 2020 and that change returns again. The process whereby we’re all confused as to what is actually happening other than garden socialising is the new thing of the year. Some schools return, others don’t. Some businesses can open others can’t. Is it any wonder that things have been overwhelming, anxious, fearful and at times emotional.
Add to the recipe the further ingredients… judgement, opinions, racism, consistent negative news feeds and a bundle of anger. Brain overload at its finest.
So, how are you feeling about this transition? New Normal as it has been named. A time to do what is best for you and your family. A time to stay safe, stay alert, don’t go out, do go out, go to work, or don’t!
This is a time for personal strength, a time to reunite and share positive support. If you don’t agree with someone else and their decision, remember that’s fine, it’s not yours. Leave your judgement at the door and be happy with your own decisions.
If nothing else, this year has taught me that even in our own homes with limited face to face contact with friends other than via a screen, supporting each other is the way forward. In business, in choices, in your trips to the beach. Share your wins, be grateful that your safe, carry on being kind and smiling…. please keep smiling. We have all managed this in our own way and have started to come out on the other side so lets build each other up and restore each other with faith and kindness.
I will have access to my office again after June 16th which I am looking forward too. Ready to deep clean and set up for social distanced sessions. Hummingbird Hypnotherapy will be offering Evening appointments from 6-9pm online. Monday to Friday Preparing for face to face sessions as soon as I am allowed too. Keep posted for updates
Guided Relaxations are still available online on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9pm. www.facebook.com/hummingbirdhypnotherapy