The Bourne Well Being Event

This month is really exciting for Hummingbird Hypnotherapy organising and sponsoring the Bourne Well Being Event. 

This event is now in its sixth year and has raised a considerable amount of money for local charities within the area in that time. 

The aim of these events Is to showcase a variety of different local businesses that support and boost well being. There are 21 stalls on the day plus the addition of booking a mini treatment. 

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How to manage the holidays

How do you manage YOU in the holidays? A wonderful few weeks, of family time can be great but yet exhausting at the same time. The juggle is real. 

So how can we manage things more effectively? 

 For a start have a look at what worked during the last holidays. I know that planning a home day really helps to manage my energy and wellbeing. Down time at home is important to get rest and recover but also to keep on top of things. 

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Why do we struggle to take a break?

It is certainly something that more and more people are struggling with is taking a break. Time out, rest whichever you want to call it. The work hard play hard ethic. 

 It definitely has its place working hard and celebrating it but you know rest has to be right up there too. The importance of taking a break whether its allocated at work or you need to time block a space rest has its place. 

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Avoiding Burnout – Balancing Business and MUM

Image of Mum and children - Hypnotherapy Peterborough

I posted on social media this month on my personal journey with burnout and the negative impact it had on my life, showing two pictures three years apart. The point being that looking at them both you wouldn’t see any difference. So how can we juggle it all and manage everything in our day without compromising on our health?

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When did you become last on the list?


Where do you sit right now with your list of priorities?

When you create that daily to do list, what goes on it first?

I can guarantee it isn’t something for you.

With our ever increasing need and feel to do more, are we becoming more disassociated from those things we need for ourselves. The words self care are banded around everyday but what does it actually mean for you?

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Re opening after Lock down.

Things are beginning to change. As the UK begins its reopening plans to get our economy back on its feet, there appears to be far more that we need to begin to think about.

Remember March 2020 seems an age away, those moments of fear we all had about the coming months and being locked in our homes. The change that happened during this time has been immense. Businesses closed or furloughed staff, schools closed, daily shopping becoming a weekly occurrence and definitely not a family outing. Home schooling and juggling working from home. At the beginning it was so much to manage and adjust but we all did both. Managed and adjusted to our new way of life.

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Mindful Moments in Lock down.

My office space



with Nicole Woodcock, Hummingbird Hypnotherapy.


My Favourite picture of Hummingbird Hypnotherapy
My Favourite Picture of Hummingbird Hypnotherapy.

As I am sat at my dining room table aka The Office I realised that it was Wednesday. Now for some I apologise if you have lost what day of the week it is right now and I have just reminded you.

Today is quite a big deal for me at Hummingbird Hypnotherapy because I have noticed how much I am enjoying my day.

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