with Nicole Woodcock, Hummingbird Hypnotherapy.
As I am sat at my dining room table aka The Office I realised that it was Wednesday. Now for some I apologise if you have lost what day of the week it is right now and I have just reminded you.
Today is quite a big deal for me at Hummingbird Hypnotherapy because I have noticed how much I am enjoying my day.
I decided this morning enough is enough got up worked out and then managed to read, lit my favourite candle pineapple of course and drink my matcha in my super sized mug before settling down to write my editorial for Discovering Deeping Magazine. Now you might be thinking where is this going but… today I have managed to re frame in my mind what would normally be a rubbish day. I DO NOT LIKE WEDNESDAYS!
Its a fact, I have no idea why but it was always a day of rubbish lessons at school, the same in uni, most jobs that midweek hump would just be like bleurgh… Wednesday. In my previous job before I opened my practice it was always the shift no one wanted at work. It would either be very boring or you would probably spend most of the shift waiting to get hurt.
I even joke with my friends about Hump Day and have tried to make it more enjoyable, do those things I like but, inevitably I am tired, feel a bit yuck and so the name gets the blame.
Today is different at Hummingbird HQ because I sat and in my mind realised with a ping of acknowledgement right now today is a good day. The sun is shining, I have looked after myself so far, my children are still happy if not maybe a bit delirious on you tube (lol) but it is a good day.
Good days happen even when our world outside is somewhat different. I know that I have put extra effort into making sure I show up today, exercise, anti bac the kitchen, connect with friends, look at shoes.
Those positives are all out there its how you decide to see them.
How did I notice that this Wednesday was different?
I am less stressed, happier and I took control of how I want my day to be. We all have that ability within us, you just have to slow down and mindfully see.
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