Where do you sit right now with your list of priorities?
When you create that daily to do list, what goes on it first?
I can guarantee it isn’t something for you.
With our ever increasing need and feel to do more, are we becoming more disassociated from those things we need for ourselves. The words self care are banded around everyday but what does it actually mean for you?
The first thing that will always get neglected if things don’t go to plan is the one thing we probably need the most.
” Oh it doesn’t matter ” are those few words that we say to others if we need to cancel, rearrange or just no longer have the time.
Even when you cannot do anymore, you’re exhausted, feeling unwell, the mental punishment and questioning we then give to ourselves is just as stressful as having to stop in itself.
So….. When did you put yourself last on the list?
Who told you that you don’t matter enough to take an evening off, to make time for a bubble bath, to take that walk at lunch. To eat, drink well, look after yourself. Who actually said “you don’t matter so why bother?”
I’ve got bets on, you! You chose to decide you don’t matter. You put yourself at the bottom of that pile. How do I know? Because i’m the same. The difference is that I am slowly make better choices for myself and not others. I am choosing to show up differently and not try and do it all.
So, what can we do differently?
- Make things you enjoy non negotiable. Have daily things to look forward to.
- Move! When we get ourselves moving forward even if it is one step at a time, we can achieve more therefore having the time to give ourselves some space. Destination procrastination station doesn’t get anyone anywhere.
- Plan regular interaction with others. It is really beneficial to talk things out with others so you can find solutions to problems and get a hit of serotonin from being in someone else company.
- Take things one step at a time. Being overwhelmed is a sure fire way of forgetting yourself. So take things one task at a time.
If you’re struggling to prioritise yourself right now, get in touch. Clinical Hypnotherapy can really support you getting back on track.
I offer free initial consultations both virtually or in person at my consultation room in Bourne, Lincolnshire. Just click here to contact me.
In the meantime you can download my FREE guided relaxation to enjoy at any time of day.