“You’ve got the power!!”

Not just a great old skool song but in reality, we are the ones that hold all the answers to ourselves and where we want to go. 

No one knows more about you than you. This truly enlightening piece of information truly enables us to understand that when stress and life stuff gets in our way, we find it harder to find the answers and manage our own issues. When this builds up over time, we then begin to doubt our own capabilities and answers. Struggling to know what to do. Incomes overwhelm, uncertainty and a whole load of negativity, our internal stress bucket begins to fill. 

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The Bourne Well Being Event

This month is really exciting for Hummingbird Hypnotherapy organising and sponsoring the Bourne Well Being Event. 

This event is now in its sixth year and has raised a considerable amount of money for local charities within the area in that time. 

The aim of these events Is to showcase a variety of different local businesses that support and boost well being. There are 21 stalls on the day plus the addition of booking a mini treatment. 

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How to manage the holidays

How do you manage YOU in the holidays? A wonderful few weeks, of family time can be great but yet exhausting at the same time. The juggle is real. 

So how can we manage things more effectively? 

 For a start have a look at what worked during the last holidays. I know that planning a home day really helps to manage my energy and wellbeing. Down time at home is important to get rest and recover but also to keep on top of things. 

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When do you say no, I do enough?

A conversation that I have had many a time  “ What is enough?” 

Can you define it? 

I know I have struggled with this. The issue we have is with all the things we do already it becomes the norm and so we forget how much is already getting done. Our work or day to day system is then being busy and productive but because there is so much of it we don’t register any reward because we are actually creating stress. 

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Why do we struggle to take a break?

It is certainly something that more and more people are struggling with is taking a break. Time out, rest whichever you want to call it. The work hard play hard ethic. 

 It definitely has its place working hard and celebrating it but you know rest has to be right up there too. The importance of taking a break whether its allocated at work or you need to time block a space rest has its place. 

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Resolutions versus reality

Happy New Year… 2023 is slowly rolling itself in and it’s that time of year again where our socials are bombarded with ‘New year, new you!’ headlines, diets, goals and plans.  

In the new year we should be supporting ourselves to slowly step into a new year and take our time to support where we are right now. 

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Random Acts of Kindness

November brings a different dynamic to Hummingbird Hypnotherapy with the launch of our 4th Random Acts of Kindness.

Every year we take donations from local small businesses to give back to the community and support others.

The whole idea began four years ago when I visited a friend who was going through a tough time. So I went and bought her some flowers, a Costa and a cake and she was over the moon. She said that no one had ever done that for her and really appreciated it.

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When did you become last on the list?


Where do you sit right now with your list of priorities?

When you create that daily to do list, what goes on it first?

I can guarantee it isn’t something for you.

With our ever increasing need and feel to do more, are we becoming more disassociated from those things we need for ourselves. The words self care are banded around everyday but what does it actually mean for you?

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Lets talk about Fears and Phobias

Fears and Phobias at Hummingbird Hypnotherapy. With busy life styles including positives and negative events is it any wonder at times we become uncomfortable with certain things and situations. 1 in 10 people struggle with a phobia and manage their day to day life efficiently enough to be able to ensure that it does not appear in front of them.

Sometimes even relying on others to support you with making sure a spider or bird are not around. Taking the stairs instead of the lift. Cancelling medical appointments continually for fear of seeing the GP or going into hospital. Our brain is very clever, if we are really stressed and anxious our fears and phobias can be exacerbated because our brain thinks it is keeping us safe. So keeping us on high alert, looking out for those things that scare us so that we can be ready and prepared to deal with it.

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