It’s so much more than a bath tub….

Bath tub

If you have ever struggled with an anxiety disorder you will know how much at times it can be so debilitating. Not only with change and new things but also with the day to day things that life brings.

I remember a few years ago I was asked to teach in Birmingham for the weekend. Knowing I was capable of delivering the course wasn’t the issue. The choice to stay over was. I hadn’t been away from home over night on my own for a long time and my anxiety knew it.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

A stunning picture of a field with the sky and sunset above

The temperature has finally dropped, the nights are drawing in and there is a fresh nip in the air in the mornings. Wardrobe choices changing and the big boots have replaced the flip flops…

Heading on into autumn with the same gusto as a pumpkin spiced latte all wrapped up in your favourite hoody. Whilst most people are planning their pumpkin patch visits and how to make costumes for the Halloween disco or turn the doorbell off in time to ignore the trick or treaters ( lol) there are some who have begun to notice the change in weather and start to get anxious about how this will effect their mood heading into winter.

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Random acts of kindness 2023

This year we have just launched the random acts of kindness for 2023 

An initiative that began a few years ago when I gifted a bunch of flowers and a coffee to someone struggling and going through a hard time. They sent me a message a few days later to thank me for such a kind gesture when they were going through a difficult time. 

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“You’ve got the power!!”

Not just a great old skool song but in reality, we are the ones that hold all the answers to ourselves and where we want to go. 

No one knows more about you than you. This truly enlightening piece of information truly enables us to understand that when stress and life stuff gets in our way, we find it harder to find the answers and manage our own issues. When this builds up over time, we then begin to doubt our own capabilities and answers. Struggling to know what to do. Incomes overwhelm, uncertainty and a whole load of negativity, our internal stress bucket begins to fill. 

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The Bourne Well Being Event

This month is really exciting for Hummingbird Hypnotherapy organising and sponsoring the Bourne Well Being Event. 

This event is now in its sixth year and has raised a considerable amount of money for local charities within the area in that time. 

The aim of these events Is to showcase a variety of different local businesses that support and boost well being. There are 21 stalls on the day plus the addition of booking a mini treatment. 

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How to manage the holidays

How do you manage YOU in the holidays? A wonderful few weeks, of family time can be great but yet exhausting at the same time. The juggle is real. 

So how can we manage things more effectively? 

 For a start have a look at what worked during the last holidays. I know that planning a home day really helps to manage my energy and wellbeing. Down time at home is important to get rest and recover but also to keep on top of things. 

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What is Solution Focused Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Many people I speak to are interested in the work I do but don’t understand how it works. Still even now in the 21st century we have this common misconception of mind control or clucking like a chicken. Most of which is media driven and usually involves images from comedy sketches and stage hypnotism that is far from the therapeutic tool of hypnosis and psychotherapy, that is incorporated into solution focused clinical hypnotherapy. A phrase coined by a gentleman called David Newton. He has taken the best elements of CBT, NLP, SFBT and Hypnotherapy to bring a modern and up to date therapy. Supporting clients to move away from the past, process and gain confidence to support a more positive future.

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When do you say no, I do enough?

A conversation that I have had many a time  “ What is enough?” 

Can you define it? 

I know I have struggled with this. The issue we have is with all the things we do already it becomes the norm and so we forget how much is already getting done. Our work or day to day system is then being busy and productive but because there is so much of it we don’t register any reward because we are actually creating stress. 

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Why do we struggle to take a break?

It is certainly something that more and more people are struggling with is taking a break. Time out, rest whichever you want to call it. The work hard play hard ethic. 

 It definitely has its place working hard and celebrating it but you know rest has to be right up there too. The importance of taking a break whether its allocated at work or you need to time block a space rest has its place. 

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Is self-care selfish?

self care

Everyone talks about self-care and how it can help us to become better versions of ourselves by giving ourselves time out of a busy schedule. But is self-care selfish?

It becomes quite apparent to me that if you have to find time or set aside time for self-care then clearly there’s a lot going on in life. We have the busiest lifestyles we’ve ever had we are more stress than we’ve ever had and we have the additional chore of looking after ourselves. When did that become a thing?

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